Each week, Grace’s minister, and the occasional guest preacher, seek to connect scripture to the challenges of following Christ in the world today. A collection of recent sermons can be found in the blog posts here, and you may find a playlist of all our past worship services on our YouTube channel.
Lent V
The heart is a curious thing. Located right here in the center of the chest, beating roughly 100,000 times each day, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood in that same day, […]
Lent III
Psalm 19 and Matthew 16:13-20 Remember the trend, several decades ago, of creating posters that displayed a variety of doors from a particular city? When Chris and I first married, […]
No Pup Too Small
The struggles we face daily can often seem overwhelming. Every one of us knows what it feels like to be thrown off-balance, to experience the sinking feeling Peter felt when […]
Lent I 2024
Mary decided to read the Bible in a new way. She had studied scripture as a biblical scholar. She had been a person of faith, and a faithful church member, […]
The Hinge Point of Faith
When Peter, James, and John first encountered Jesus along the Galilean seashore, his voice commanded their attention. His presence filled the space with such life that suddenly spending days catching […]
How Does Jesus Heal?
One cannot read the gospel stories without noting the frequency with which Jesus heals: A paralyzed man, carried by friends to Jesus’s feet, A woman reaching out to touch a […]
The Healing Power of Jesus
The city of Capernaum sits on the northwest side of Lake Tiberias, also known as the Sea of Galilee, deep in the hill country. Here is a fishing village, dotted […]
Come and See
The boy Samuel was just a toddler when his mother Hannah handed him over to the priest Eli, returning the son she had long prayed for back to God, so […]
The Great Annexation
Epiphany was always a huge deal for my family growing up. In Spanish, we knew it as el Dia de los Reyes Magos, or Three Kings Day, a feast day […]
Jesus Amongst Us
The temple in Jerusalem stood high upon the hill, visible from every angle, a beacon of holiness for the travelers who arrived daily from the hill country. Between those who […]