Grace is located at 5407 N Charles Street, which is the intersection of No. Charles Street and Northern Parkway. Ample parking is available in our parking lot, as well as on Charles Street on Sunday mornings.
At present, our worship services on Sundays are both in-person and livestreamed on Facebook and and YouTube at 10:00 a.m. Please stay connected with us! One way is to receive our weekly e-Notes for all things Grace – you may sign up for those HERE.
Worship is held in the sanctuary. The 10:00 a.m. service offers a traditional style of worship, adding to the hymns, prayers, and sermon music from our Chancel Choir. Children’s Sunday School classes, for children from age 4 through elementary school, meet during the 10:00 a.m. service. The Nursery is open throughout the morning.
Although worship at Grace follows a more formal model, Grace is an open, friendly church where congregants wear a range of attire. You are welcome to come as you are.