Sunday worship 10 am in-person and livestream

As we become more comfortable with new Covid-19 protocols, we offer 10 am in-person worship in our sanctuary, and the service is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube as well. At 9:45, many Grace members and friends meet and greet on Facebook before the music begins. Please join us!

Monday Prayer Partners 7 pm

Each Monday at 7 pm, Prayer Partners meets via Zoom for a brief time of connection and reflection with our leader Mark Gruber-Lebowitz. Please join us! You may email Mark for Zoom details.

Sunday worship 10 am in-person and livestream

As we become more comfortable with new Covid-19 protocols, we offer 10 am in-person worship in our sanctuary, and the service is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube as well. At 9:45, many Grace members and friends meet and greet on Facebook before the music begins. Please join us!

Mission Outreach Meeting

Grace United Methodist Church 5407 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States
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