General Conference 2024 Update #2

Greetings again from Charlotte, 

There is much to celebrate about the decision made during today’s sessions of General Conference. During the morning session, delegates passed several pieces of legislation that removed exclusions for ministry with and by LGBTQIA+ members of our church. The link below offers a fuller picture into the legislative actions. In addition, during the morning session, the General Conference delegates voted to enter into full communion with the Episcopal Church, a decision our Episcopal siblings will vote upon in 2027. It was wonderful to watch the circle grow wider in both decisions. 

Following the morning’s votes on LGBTQIA+ matters, a gathering occurred right outside the convention center for celebration, prayer, and song. Amid the rejoicing at the dismantling of exclusionary language and practices, space was also made to remember those who experienced first hand the church’s rejection of their call into ministry or place in the church. The hallelujah’s at the votes just taken felt holy. The space to name the harm felt holy.  Tears and praise; joy and lament. This, I believe, is how we move closer to God’s just and merciful world, together. 

You may read the full article HERE.

Rev. Amy 

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