Prayer Partners
May 10, 2027 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Looking for a way to connect with members of the Grace Church family during the week without leaving home? Why not give Monday Evening Prayer Partners a try? On the second and fourth Mondays of the month, this wonderfully diverse group gathers for a time of fellowship over holy conversation and formal prayer. Most sessions begin with discussion rooted in group members’ thoughts in response to a “holy question” that was emailed to them prior to the Monday gathering. Recent holy questions include “Where or when do you feel especially close to God/Jesus?” and “Where is God in a time of war and death?” Four times a year, the question “How is it with your soul” serves as the starting point for a time of honest sharing and prayerful support one for another. Every session concludes with the sharing of joys and concerns, followed by a closing prayer for those on the Grace prayer list, for other individuals on our hearts and minds, and for our community and world.
The Prayer Partners group meets via Zoom on second and fourth Mondays from 7:00 until 7:45 p.m. All are invited! For more information, or to receive the Zoom link, contact Mark Gruber-Lebowitz at gandhiman@comcast.net.